B Cup Round adhesive fake breasts - Adhesives breast forms

B Cup Round adhesive fake breasts

When you want to have a more feminine figure, you need to have beautiful breasts. And what could be better than two beautiful silicone breasts? B Cup round adhesive fake breasts are perfect for this purpose. With a diameter of 12 cm and a total weight of 500g, you'll have a lot of people on the balcony!



Convinced… in 5 points!

  • B Cup.
  • Round shape.
  • Chair color.
  • Realistic effect.
  • Adhesive false breasts.


Valentine’s opinion, our expert in cross-dressing

They are flesh coloured and very realistic with nipples that can be seen under the fabric. Adhesive, they are easily installed with a little glue for an immediate transformation into a woman!


Learn more about B Cup round adhesive fake breasts

The round shape of the B Cup round adhesive breasts forms gives you a full and plump chest. Dare to wear plunging necklines, dresses that open onto the chest and corsets that enhance your ultra-feminine shape. Easy to put on and take off, your false breasts will become the ally of your wild parties. With a B cup, they are sexy, neither too big nor too small.


Weight 500G

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