Petra brown wig - Brown
Petra brown wig - Brown
Petra brown wig - Brown
Petra brown wig - Brown

Petra brown wig

Petra is perfect for men with a round face or a rather thin face. Its brown color of square cut makes it very sexy and serious. It is made of high quality synthetic fibres, it cannot be in direct contact with heat. Once washed, it returns to its original look.



Convinced in 5 points! 


  • Synthetic wig;
  • Ideal for dressing up;
  • Square cup dipping brown;
  • Refines the lines;
  • Feminize the face.


The opinion of Valentine our expert in transvesting: 

Ideal when you have a thin or round face, it helps to refine the facial features and make them more feminine. The cut is mechanized which makes it even more feminine and elegant. It is easy to install and can be quickly fixed with two clips on the back of the skull.

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