Heart Clip Earring
These clip-on earrings are suitable for people without pierced ears but also for people with pierced ears. They are heart-shaped and gold-colored, they will bring you a touch of undeniable elegance!
Convinced in 5 points!
- Clip loops;
- Ideal for ears not pierced,
- In the form of a heart;
- Gold;
- Perfect for transvestites.
The opinion of Valentine our expert in transvesting:
Wearing earrings when our ears are not pierced is a horror, most of the earrings that exist are too childish, not pretty .. But Rigazo has found you beautiful rare pearls that will not leave you indifferent! This pretty pair of heart-shaped curls are elegant thanks to their golden color, they will sublimate your face. In order to let them appear, we advise you to wear a wig with a square, if you do not have any you can always slip the hair of your wig behind your ears.
17mm X 19mm.
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