Earrings with epi clips - Clip earrings

Earrings with epi clips

These earrings with epi clips are composed of pretty rhinestones that put glitter in the eyes of all the people you will meet, enough to make people jealous! The fact that these are clip-on saves you from getting your ears pierced, it is rather useful in the case of a discrèt transvestition, so what are you waiting for to go for?



Convinced in 5 points!


  • Earrings with clips;
  • Hanging;
  • Epi effect composed of rhinestones;
  • Ideal for transvestites;
  • Avoid having your ears pierced.


The opinion of Valentine our expert in transvesting: 

I love these earrings! I like to wear them in the evening because, let’s face it, they are very bling bling, and that’s all I like. They attract all eyes on you and you become the star of the evening! The clips do not pierce the ears, I find it really good especially for transvestites who would not want to pierce the ears so as not to display their transvestition.

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