Fake hips black boxer shorts with lace - Hips pads

Fake hips black boxer shorts with lace

The prostheses of the fake hips boxer shorts are made of foam, sewn directly into the boxer so that they stay in place with every movement. You will also appreciate its sexy black colour, with its transparent lace and delicate finishing touches on the thighs.


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  • Rounded and feminine hips.
  • Foam prostheses for greater lightness.
  • Prostheses sewn directly into the panties.
  • Black colour.
  • Sexy transparent dentelle.


Valentine’s opinion, our expert in cross-dressing

If having breasts is a sign of femininity, so are rounded hips! With the black lace-up fake hip boxer briefs, you can easily achieve the desired result. Successful cross-dressing is essential when you want to give a perfect illusion. And a successful transformation into a woman is achieved through small details, such as rounded hips. With this false hip prosthesis, you are sure to transform your figure into a more feminine, curved silhouette.


Learn more about the Fake hips black boxer shorts with lace

The belt gently holds the boxer in place without compressing you. The small diamond-shaped patterns dress up your skin.

Customer reviews

Reviews about this product

Based on 1 review

  • Oliv69
    Published Sep 07, 2019 at 03:42 pm

    it's the best i've bought from you it's sexy and the hips are well padded in foam and hold well all day long (Translated review)

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