My Little Leash Plug Small - Jewelry plugs for cross-dressers
My Little Leash Plug Small - Jewelry plugs for cross-dressers
My Little Leash Plug Small - Jewelry plugs for cross-dressers
My Little Leash Plug Small - Jewelry plugs for cross-dressers

My Little Leash Plug Small

The advantage of this plug is that it comes in different sizes, so even if you start out anal you will be satisfied! The leash can be removed from the plug if you want to have solo pleasure, or you can leave it on and let your partner guide you. The penetrable length of the sextoy is 5 cm!



Convinced in 5 points!


  • Size S ;
  • Aesthetic jewel ;
  • Temperature games (hot, cold) ;
  • Accentuates sensations and pleasures;
  • Adds a playful and exciting touch.


Valentine's opinion, our cross-dressing expert:

For two or alone, this plug is a killer! The leash can be removed and therefore allows for solo pleasure, but once the leash is on, the pleasure for two is even more intense. The pleasure of the plug comes from the light and delicious pressure it emits on the anal walls. It is ideal for giving free rein to your most erotic and naughty imagination!

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