Natural wig Athena brunette - Natural hair wigs

Natural wig Athena brunette

This beautiful 55.90 cm long wig is made of 100% human hair, these come from India. The nature of the hair is stiff but you can nevertheless style them as you like, since they are natural hair you will have no trouble making them pretty curls, washing them, smoothing them. You can maintain them as if you were maintaining your own hair! You can also style the fringe easily with a straightener and comb.


Convinced in 5 points!


  • 55.90 cm long;
  • Dark brown;
  • Perfect for transvestites looking for length;
  • Nature of the hair: stiff.
  • Is easy to comb.


The opinion of Valentine our expert in transvesting:


Are you looking for length and volume? The Brown Athena wig will satisfy you… It’s a dark brown that will make you capsize! In order to best style your bangs, we advise you to first install the wig on your skull, then comb the bangs to unravel it. Take a straightener or a blowing brush and make an inward movement to bend your fringe. You just have to iron a little comb to place your bangs as you like!


Length: 55.90 cm.

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