False breast drop C - Realistics breast forms for cross-dressers

False breast drop C

These drop breasts have an overall weight of 800 g, so they are compatible with Rigazo glues. These offer you the opportunity to go from masculine to feminine in the blink of an eye and thus complete your feminization. You can slip a bra over them or let them show through your top.



Convinced in 5 points!


  • Compatible with 10 and 50 ml false breast glue; 
  • Medium breast volume;
  • Pleasant material ;
  • Ideal for men who want to have a chest;
  • Can be worn with any type of clothing.


Valentine's opinion, our cross-dressing expert:


To have tested these fake breasts, they are great! But in order to give them a stronger adhesion I like to shave my chest first, apply some alcohol at 90° on it with a cotton pad and finally I delicately put the fake breasts on by pressing from top to bottom. I am careful to stay upright while I do this so that they don't come off or take on the wrong folds. This way, the breasts are tighter than ever and I can do whatever I want!


Pairs of fake breasts cannot be returned if they have already been worn, if they have traces of glue, if the adhesives have been removed for the pairs that have them.


C cup.

Material : silicone breast forms.

Teardrop shape.

Weight : 800 g.

Width : 10.9 cm.

Height: 16 cm.

Thickness: 6 cm.

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