G Cup Fake breasts - Realistics breast forms

G Cup Fake breasts

To look totally feminine, you need a chest. A nice bust. With fake breasts that look like the real thing, like with the fake G cup. Rigazo suggests you opt for these 100% silicone fake breasts, which can easily be adjusted in a bra or a breast straightener (for the naughtiest among you).



Convinced… in 5 points!

  • G cup.
  • Pear shaped.
  • 100% silicone.
  • Natural movement.
  • 2800g.


Valentine’s opinion, our expert in cross-dressing

Pear-shaped, they follow the body's movements for a natural look. The silicone material makes these fake breasts a must-have as they quickly take on body temperature. This realistic feminization is ideal when you want a perfect transformation.


Learn more about G cup fake breasts

If you are transgender and you like to display an opulent cleavage that you do not have naturally, you will be seduced by the false breasts. Whether you fit them in your bra or stick them on your chest, you will love the result. Guaranteed effect!


Weight 2800g

Length: 20cm

Width: 16cm

Depth: 9cm

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