MenBooster Erection Pack (Vial+ Pods) - Aphrodisiacs for cross-dressers

MenBooster Erection Pack (Vial+ Pods)

The MenBooster Erection Pack is a complete solution to have a more vigorous erection. It includes a stimulating gel that acts on the rigidity of the penis and stimulates pleasure in both partners. With pods for more convenient use. You will see an improvement in your sexual performance from the first use.



Convinced… in 5 points!


  • Helps to have a stronger erection
  • Acts on the rigidity of the penis
  • Stimulating gel easy to use with one hand
  • Stimulates pleasure in both partners
  • Also available in pods


Valentine, our cross-dressing expert:


This pack that combines the bottle and the individual erection gel pods is ideal for use in all circumctances. The bottle stays with you while you can take the pods discreetly.We particularly appreciate their pocket format that allows to deliver the right amount of gel to apply.

Our tip on MenBooster Erection Gel

You can use this gel to intensify the erection. A small amount is enough to massage and stimulate the penis. With a few drops, you can increase the rigidity of your penis. Blood circulation is stimulated and the results are quickly felt.

No need to rinse the gel before sex

We recommend to combine this product with the aphrodisiac cure of GINSENG Extra Strong in capsules that will induce and improve your erection.

Indeed, the daily intake of Ginseng will potentiate the effects of this product by strengthening the beneficial effects on your sexual performance.


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