Lovers tape Scandal - Handcuffs for cross-dressers

Lovers tape Scandal

The Lovers tape Scandal is perfect for bondage lovers, thanks to this one you will be able to submit your transvestite Sissy without any problem and he will obey you with finger or eye movements! What more are you waiting on to be able to exercise your power as the dominator? Moreover, this sellotape does not leave any sticky effect on your clothes or on your skin.



Convinced in 5 points ! Submission tape. 

  • Reusable. 
  • For bondage lovers. 
  • No sticky material. 
  • Holds well and does not hurt. 

Valentine’s opinion our crossdressing expert: 

The Lovers tape scandal submission tape will be a good start to discover your sexual desires. This cellotape does not stick to your skin or lingerie but only sticks to itself. You will be able to make multiple uses again and again following your desires. Moreover, it is reusable and can be used many times over and over again, so have fun and teach your submissive that he’s got to behave! 

Our advice on the lovers Tape scandal: 

For your naughty nights, you want to go further than just sexy lingerie, the submission tape will be the perfect accessory to test new and more kinky experiences. Small accessories like this tape will spice up your sex life to make you discover new practices such as bondage. 

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