Earrings clips rosace - Clip earrings

Earrings clips rosace

These pretty gold clip earrings are perfect for the summer, they will put your wig and your face in value. They will allow you to display a refined look, and for that you don’t even need to have pierced ears, isn’t it beautiful? With these, your feminization will be at the top!


Convinced in 5 points!


  • Clip loops;
  • Perfect for people without pierced ears;
  • Ideal for transvestite men;
  • Elegant and refined;
  • Golden color.


The opinion of Valentine our expert in transvesting:

Not having pierced ears, it is difficult to find earrings with clips that I like and that do not make childish. Fortunately, Rigazo always tries to bring novelty to its products and allows me to find items that I like. Among these items, I count the rosace clip earrings, they are easy to put on and offer a refined look that I never tire of. 

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